UPDATE: Facebeef dupes media into fake trolling story

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The media has recently been ablaze with yet another story on cyber-stalking and trolls with channel seven’s  Today Tonight current affairs programme running a piece on the group Facebeef but it seems that the group may have had the last laugh:

Internet troll group, Facebeef, has made a public mockery of Today Tonight after convincing the show to run a bogus cyber bullying story as its lead expose.

A member of the group, whose real surname is reportedly Vanmidde, went on the show as “Jasmine Frost”, told the show that she had been targetted by Tristan Barker, who had emailed her pictures of male genitalia.

Her story went to air, but none of it was true.

Source: http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/facebeef-dupes-today-tonight-into-fake-trolling-story-20130312-2fy17.html#ixzz2NMw6eQsF

The FaceBeef prank on Today Tonight

The stories as reported by “Today Tonight” 

This garbage on Today Tonight makes a mockery of the epidemic in cyber-stalking and bullying. Here at Lauda Finem we have been given copies of emails sent to victims of the cyber stalkers and trolls at www.accforum.org. Amongst the contents of these emails are clear threats to physically harm a victim, this is what authorities should be focusing on not the likes of young Tristan Barker, clearly Barker would not have even rated a mention by the half-arsed vampires on “Today Tonight” had it not been for his dads celebrity status.

The scumbags behind the anonymous monikers on websites such as www.accforum.org are however the real deal. Some of the material that we have received here at Lauda Finem, in the form of comments is also quite extraordinary. We’ll be posting the contents of the aforementioned menacing emails at some point in the near future.

From here on in, now that we have collected enough evidence,  we will not be publishing comments from this seriously sick group, we will however continue to archive the online depravity of these idiots. Coming up we’ll be profiling yet another of these miscreant www.accforum.org cyber-bully’s in our ongoing campaign. Meanwhile this little fucked up group of nut-jobs continue with their malicious efforts to silence us:

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Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14676-complaing-to-the-platforms/

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Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14657-take-hate-site-lauda-finem-down/

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Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14657-take-hate-site-lauda-finem-down/

And then there is this (below), the latest in the laughing stakes, posted by none other than www.accforum.org member “BLURB” aka Mr Franciscus Van Helmond. Van Helmond of course has and continues to run a number of cyber-stalking/bullying websites along with his now outed, in more than one case convicted criminal, colleagues; Kenneth Paul Antony, Mark Davis. Then of course theres his now more than notorious brother Mr Henk Van Helmond:

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Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14676-complaing-to-the-platforms/

The sites that the van Helmond brothers run along with their creepy cyber-stalking/bullying mates are http://www.accfocus.org,  http://www.claimants.org.nz,  http://www.acclaim-waikato.org , http://www.cyfstalk.org and its associated CYFStalk facebook page.

The team at Lauda Finem were recently responsible for having two of these sites pulled down, although it seems that Franciscus van Helmond, his brother Henk and the fucked-up members of www.accforum.org have now been emboldened, as narcissists often are, by our publishing of their recent comments attacking and threatening Lauda Finem volunteers and our whistle-blowers by email, just a few examples of which are shown below:

Hi *********,  you ran to team lauda like a crying girl. How much of that $20K bounty is yours. You were warned, yet you continue to associate with criminals. Last chance, you know what to do.

Contact details:

Message from Black Power
You mess with our wahine ******, then we come a knocking at your door.

Contact details:

Message from Mongrel Mob
You are defaming our bros and cuzzies on LaudaFinem. There is a local chapter very close to where you work, *******. Say sorry and break away from *******. We have associates in Australia as well. You mess with our wahine at your peril.

Contact details:

Message from Hemi
***********,  your days of being part of the online community within accforum.org are numbered. Your association with the hate site laudafinem.com is not something a real estate agent should involve himself with. Associating with ********************** is also unwise.

Contact details:

Message from Brother Timothy
Vengeance is ours, the sword of the forum will smite you down like the worm that you are. Put on sackcloth and ashes and post a picture to this website and we will know that you have truly repented. Wicked men cannot go about harassing the innocent.

Contact details:

Message from Brother Timothy
Tick Tock Tick Tock 82 is a significant number Tick Tock Tick Tock good 4 all

Contact details:

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Of course the email addresses are all likely false or otherwise using proxy’s. We also have on very reliable inside advice, that leads us to believe that members of www.accforum.org falsely inculpated the “MONGRAL MOB” and “BLACK POWER” gangs in New Zealand.

We are certainly not the first to have taken this cyber-bully/stalker battle on. The Accident Compensation Corporation in New Zealand, with all its resources has tried and dismally failed (preferring instead to set up a liaison officer), but we are going to keep plugging away.

However, Kiwi Blogger Cameron Slater , a man that these fuck-tards abhor and are now some what strangely appealing to) did and whilst we might disagree with his politics it was indeed a good move by Slater. So they can expect a Lauda Finem supporter to be knocking on their door some time real soon, camera in hand; and that includes the man behind the administration of http://:www.accforum.org

This is going to get very interesting, especially when we get our hands on the digital trail!

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