Captain Hate? Mr Arrin Wislang a very temporary resident of Austalia and the fucked up mastermind and admin behind ACCForum
Update: Arrin posted a comment below claiming he knew nothing about www.accforum.org, in fact that he’d never heard of it. Unfortunately Arrin’s story didn’t stack up. Arrin had not counted on the whistle-blowers, the taped telephone conversations and his own sites halfwit members. Members like frog mouth Claire Avon Rae Hollis, aka “Mini” who with out thinking posted and confirmed what we already knew to be true:
Source: Full web page grab here (forum page immediately removed by www.accforum.org)
It appears that every “active” member (a small group of individuals using many false online identities) of accforum.org are being wheeled out in an effort to counter an imagined cyber attack, when really all thats happened is that a web forum that has encouraged its members to post malicious and defamatory material over the years is now at risk of being pulled down (remember readers this is one in the same web forum and hate site that allegedly inspired one of its founders to hatch the Takapuna bomb plot). As was their associated site www.cyfStalk.org, the founder of which liked to dable in tweeting death threats against politicians and the extortion of innocent women he had defamed online.
In yet another wacko strategy the ACCForum members behind the anonymous monikers “Not Their Victim” and “Netcoach” have decided to join forces in an attempt to incite false complaints with wordpress; in the vein hope that our detailed expose’s will be pulled down. Whilst these people are complete “tools“ they are not at all that “tooled up“:
Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14461-cyberbully-and-cohorts/ (if the link is taken down view the full page grab here)
Source: http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14461-cyberbully-and-cohorts/
As Lauda Finem stated recently, the result of being advised by yet more victims that serial stalkers and hate site wannabes, the van Helmond brothers were yet again involved in another hate website that tickled their predilection for defamation and stalking, we would do our utmost to hunt those responsible down.
The van Helmond brothers have already pulled two of these “shite sites” down but there is one site left to go, a site that remains online; somewhat persistently and looking at the recent material thats been posted, very smugly. Therein of course, with the “smug” attitude lay another clue.
So we decided to revisit a few audio visual tapes that our operative Carlos Esteban managed to grab whilst in New zealand a few years ago.
In those tapes one of our volunteers managed to pick up on a seemingly innocent statement made by the whistle-blower David Butler (a very brief interaction between justice campaigner Dermot Nottingham and Butler amongst the twelve hours of interview footage we have not yet published).
That quirk was Mr David Butler’s admission “in and around” the name of the man behind the highly defamatory ACCForum web forum site. Dr Miles Wislang’s son Aaron Wislang.
Mr Butlers turn of phrase in that one hour film intrigued our post graduate psych volunteer, resulting in her eventual conclusion that Butlers admission was in fact that of a fuck-wit that had no idea.
According to Mr Butler it all “allegedly” revolved around his co-hort at the time trying to second guess exactly who “Wislang Jnr” was and the fact that the only way they could view his profile on ACCForum was, according to Butler, to misspell the name “Aaron”. Our volunteer picked up on Butlers “fraudian” slip and went looking for alternative spellings. In the multi-cultural context for various reasons she included the name Wislanger.
That research then eventually lead to a few telephone calls and the very profound discovery that an “acclaimed” New Zealand restauranteur was related to Dr Miles Wislang. Of course that relative was (under NZ Law) subjected to yet another of Lauda Finem’s evidence gathering sting operations. That investigation (nicknamed operation “DEEP-PROBE-COLD-STEEL”) has resulted in a massive dividend. Access to the names of everyone involved in ACCForum:
The problems that Arrin Wislang, his wife Bridget , father Miles, David Butler and indeed Alan Thomas now face are enormous, since 2010 Lauda Finem have been collecting evidence on behalf of the forums targets, the many defamed and injured professionals So boys and girls on ACCForum keep it up and enjoy the “fun” while you still can……before someone takes your house!
Related articles
- Van Helmond and “ACCLAIM-WAIKATO” missing in action. (laudafinem.com)
- Fran Van Helmond, fraudster, fucktard, kiwi-fruit, is also a bullshit artist. (laudafinem.com)
- ACC Forum: What happens when cyberbullies are given a dose of their own medicine? (laudafinem.com)
- ACCForum: Profiling nut-jobs; Fran Van Helmond and his brother Henk (laudafinem.com)
- ACCForum & all roads lead to Rome, profiling nut-jobs: Janice Karaka Clarke, aka Hukildaspida (laudafinem.com)
- ACCForum & all roads lead to Rome, profiling nut-jobs: Mereana Moeroa Manuwai Percy, aka Moeroa (laudafinem.com)
- ACCForum: Don’t Shoot Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes (laudafinem.com)
- ACCForum: Here’s hoping. (laudafinem.com)
- ACCForum: Chicken little and when the Sky falls (laudafinem.com)
- Another Kiwi that can fly “takes off never to return” (laudafinem.com)
No Comments
The Team @ Lauda Finem u guys have provided us with another target Clare Abernathy, does she have a home security system. Poor Tony now Clare. We are tangatawhenua and will not be mocked by anyone. Get ready to rumble.
Now where has that nigger in the wood pile, lehohapata gone, its like hunting snakes lol?
Bridget Wislang brings a track record in health policy from the New Zealand Ministry of Health where she worked for the last fifteen years across a number of areas including:cancer strategy development intersectoral collaboration to improve health outcomes, and primary health care reform. More recently, Bridget was involved in national health services and technology appraisals, and the re-configuration of New Zealand’s Genetic Services provision.She is a graduate of New Zealand Universities, having completed a Bachelor of Social Science at Waikato and an MA in Social Policy at Massey University.
Arrin Wislang has an impressive CV
Project Director – Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre
Ballarat Health Services July 2010 – Present (2 years 9 months)
Programme Manager Capital and Coast District Health Board 2007 – 2010 (3 years)
Westpac Contractor Westpac 2005 – 2007 (2 years)
Implementation Meningococcal Vaccine Programme Ministry of Health 2003 – 2005 (2 years)
Contractor Historic Places Trust August 2004 – December 2004 (5 months)
Contractor Child, Youth and Family February 2003 – November 2004 (1 year 10 months)
When Lauda Finem blog gets a mention in NZCPR.com then I will start to show an interest.
Breaking Views brings you expert commentary in topics of importance to New Zealand. This site is administered by the New Zealand Centre for Political Research, an independent research based think tank at NZCPR.com.
What bullies fear most is exposure and being called publicly to account for their behaviour so they can go to great lengths to keep their target (victim) quiet from misdirection when it is reported to using threats of disciplinary action, dismissal, gagging clauses and fear.
Changed identities yet again?
Both Australia and New Zealand have legislation addressing hate speech generally, and both have applied this legislation to the Internet through different means
I think I recognise that vintage. Jacob’s Creek 1996?
Was that the right advice you received “Thomo”?
Hey Bridget we have not finished with you, Yet another Kiwi shit-head?
Now what you should really do you filthy little Kiwi Cunt is piss off back to new Zealand, sorry if that offends anyone?
Your sorry is not real, you spout forth filth and depravity upon the Internet. Your deeds will be your downfall. The consequences you get are the result of the choices you make. Team lauda you have chosen the wrong path that heads straight to the bowels of hell, you will soon reap the consequences of your impotent actions.
What you all going quite? lol
Are you all pissed? LOL
Harvard medical school conducted some research in the late 90’s. They found 97% of people who regularly used obscene profanity had an IQ less than the average, the remainder managed to get up to the 100 but NONE were over. Results are available on medpub.com.
Just saying…….
This is on http://ww.accfocuc.org as a topic
That figures.
Hey Arrin, Its the nasty pricks shift: Tony Armstrong is on to you mate, just received the call! Would you like to reply?
More tripe from the Takapuna bomber? Just who is it thats gone quite now Alan? Think parole conditions cunt?
I am the hunter. You are the prey.
You know that cannot end well.
Run, rabbits, run.
Gone to ground already?
Let’s hope whoever pays you, pays for well. I’m on commission. But I expect a handsome payout.
If so, who from?
Are you making heaps?
How’s all that “investigating” going? Who wrong-headedly employs such amateurs?
Let me give you a clue. I live in Dunedin and am a trained lawyer.
“Trained Lawyer”, “very savvy tech expert” and “Aaron Wislang” (back from the grave)? You’re such a talented little chap aren’t you just? The whole team here at Lauda Finem are simply in awe. In awe of your complete and utter stupidity. Are you aware Alan that it’s a criminal offence to falsely represent yourself as a Solicitor whilst attempting to elude to the recently qualified Warren Forster of Dunedin?
You see Alan a Solicitor admitted to the Bar, whether they be in New Zealand or here in Australia would not carry on in the manner you have been. We’ll be alerting Warren Forster of your attempted impersonation a little later, or if you choose to you can telephone him and apologise before we get in touch (we’re giving you a 24hr head start):
Warren Forster (Dunedin)
Phone (03) 4773823
Email forsterandassociates@gmail.com
We also find it just a little amusing that you have been attempting to mimic the writing style and language of your arch enemy Kenneth Miller (aka www. accforum.org’s “Tomcat”), the problem with that strategy Alan was that you had a little difficulty maintaining the pathetic attempt at this subterfuge whilst intoxicated, you were all over the shop mate.
PS: we just adored the deflecting “WINZ” angle, then of course there was this little distraction doosey on http://www.accforum.org starting at post #27:
Remember Alan, we here at Lauda Finem always wait until we see the whites of our opponents eyes, remaining silent is sometimes a good thing is it not? But we doubt that its a lesson that you will ever learn.
Here’s a list that may be of asssitance. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?19165-CORRUPT-Australian-Politicians-WHO-are-they
Choose carefully.
But, onto more sanitary subjects (debatably). How’s the polly thing going?
You should. I may poo all over you.
Thanks for that “letshavelunch”, but looking at some of your comments its seems that you’re far to busy shitting all over yourself
You are not very good at this, are you?
I would steer away from Gillard. She would just make you look sillier then you already are.
How’s the polly thing going?
BTW, I would like to be called Pepsie.
Alan Thomas’s attempt to blow up WINZ has nothing to do with the ACCForum. You really should learn to distinguish circumstances. Especially your own.
Alan Thomas was never accused of attempting to blow up a WINZ office, it was in fact an ACC office. That mistake aside we think it is you that needs to check your facts and circumstance. ACCForum and a cabal of its members were behind the false allegations against Mr Thomas.
I think the important phrase is “blow up”.
He had good cause. Which will confuse you.
Sorry to disappoint you “letshavelunch”, but it’s not us doing the “warbling”. And as for your belief that http://www.accfurum.org “performs a vital social function”, was the Takapuna Bomb Plot a part of that vital social function?
Typo. I meant “warble”.
Oh dear. You have bought yourself a lot of mischief, haven’t you?
“My name is Dermot Nottingham. I am a New Zealander who works as an advocate. I will this evening supply various links to some media stories and Courts
Judgments which should give you an inkling of the sort of advocacy work and justice campaigning work that I have been involved in since 1994.
I am writing to formally complain about the behaviour of Mr Arrin Wislang who I understand works at the Queen Elizabeth Centre at the base hospital in Ballarat.
My complaint relates to Mr Wislang building and administrating a New Zealand website called ACCForum. This website attempts to portray itself as assisting ACC claimants to better inform themselves
As to their rights and entitlements pursuant to the Accident Compensation Act, and regulations of New Zealand. As you will see from going to the site some material is genuinely helpful.”
Perhaps you might be better employed as an “advocate” for Bernie Madoff?
The “family” sends their regards and fond hopes for your recovery.
I’ll settle for the abuse of the loser.
Who has still to lose.
No response? We through so!
Whats wrong “letshavelunch” are you tired cunt?
Change of shift; we grow tired of dick-head cunts like you!
Child. One day all will be revealed. But I doubt you will see it until you have paid a visit to Specsavers..
Your new ears await you here: http://www.specsavers.co.uk/
Balls optional.
Or is it even more perverse than that:
Oh dear, look what it take’s to put kiddies to bed?
Hi “letshavelunch”
Why is it that you’re going off, is it perhap’s as a result of this post:
Hi “letshavelunch”
Are you pissed or what?
Hard to understand. But I really love you.
And I am really pissed. Hic.
Have you gorged on “Aukstais galds’ and supped to much kvass, or or are you angry that your bleached blond, moth balled Latvian, wife is currently sucking a locksmiths cock:
Kvass is a fermented beverage made from black or regular rye bread.[1] The colour of the bread used contributes to the color of the resulting drink. It is classified as a non-alcoholic drink by Russian standards, as the alcohol content from fermentation is typically less than 1.2%.[2] Overall, the alcohol content is low (0.05% – 1.0%).[3] It is often flavored with fruits or herbs such as strawberries, raisins or mint. Kvass is also used for preparing a cold summertime soup called okroshka.[4]
It is popular in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and other Eastern and Central European countries as well as in former Soviet states, such as Kazakhstan and Armenia, where one can see many kvass vendors in the streets.[5] Kvass is also popular in Harbin[6] and Xinjiang, in China, where there is a strong influence of Russian culture.
Hey. Go all Asian if that’s what you want.
Dermott. I am in love with you. When may I visit?
And where?
Dermott. I think Antony is scuttling to save his butt. You are on your own.
My only (very small surprise) is that you are still at liberty.
Liberty is a democratic reality that we “The Team @ Lauda Finem” take very seriously “letshavelunch” that very strong Australian feeling has come from a very deep sense of loss.
C’mon, Nothinghams.
Try to be less lame. At least on your own site.]
As you are no doubt indubitably aware, the team @ Pepsie.com is more inscrutable than your wee powers are up for.
But, dwell not upon it.
Hi “letshavelunch”
As you are probably aware “The Team @ Lauda Finem” are committed to transparency, so given that you have provided so much “psychological” insight into your personality this evening we thought we’d do a little research (it gets very boring for some of us who monitor). Collating your comments and all of the available evidence on our database this is what the two of us on shift have come up with…..are we right? We just love being volunteers for the Lauda Finem cause 😉
Thanks for the heads up. After all “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”
Add a few crabs. Fiona may be able to help.
Pepsie says hi.
You do know you have an an audience? Meager though it may be?
Or is that too much for what passes for your mind?
Oh Dear! it seems that a few of the http://www.accforum.org nut-jobs are not sleeping at all well this evening they all want to sit up and play “peek-a-boo”. Seems we are the baby sitters this evening so We’ll let them play as they all shit themselves; we don’t however do nappy changes.
Moderate, noddy.
20 comments “awaiting moderation”?
Do I smell fear?
Hi “letshavelunch”
No we don’t think so, in fact we would be more inclined to believe that its a “shitty nappy” that you’re smelling and it appears to be attached to your rear end
Antony, study more carefully the criminal law.
I have no doubt you are scrabblijng for dirt in the dirt.
Spread your guts, yee of no hope and even less whatever turns you on.
But if you consider that censorship on a blighted site serves you better, you will no doubt have the cowardice to achieve what nirvana has been sold you.
And their name, according to the Bible, is Nottingham.
Or maybe Nervosa stridentsis.
One must be deferential to losers. They will inherit what earth is left.
Talk to Earle. He is not over the moonbeam, either.
Hi, Philip. Sad to see you are so disappointed.
OK. Praise to the ended.
Please moderate quickly.
mmmm…..moderation not strong here?
I guess you are looking for me, huh?
I confess. Pepsie is an indefatigable pussy searcher.
It may come as a vast surprise to you that you cannot defame people without facts.
But, hey ho, do what you need to do.
And may the Lord God have mercy on your soles.
“Captain Hate? Mr Arrin Wislang a very temporary resident of Austalia and the fucked up mastermind and admin behind ACCForum”
I expect this probably grossly defamatory.
What facts do you have?
Please arrange. The UN will be in attendance to ensure fair play.
I know you won’t like that.
I am becoming curious about who reads this crap. Other than the Nottinghams themselves.
Let’s conduct a poll.
C’mon, moonbeam. Moderate.
Laude cum wot?
I have a confession. I am not who I seem.
Wot? No cheerleaders?
The man knows YouTube. Standing applause or just another squat?
C’mon, moonbeam, moderate.
C.mon girls. The Pope has resigned.
I always enjoy a good larf. Have either of you seen “The Gravy Train”.?
Oops, u r Antony. Mea culpa.
Antony tells me his is not amused.
I assume that would be in a Victorian sense.
“His” being whatever is his. Thought I’d clarify that.
Now you’ve had your lullaby its lights out 😉
Dermott, try to be a bit clever.
It must be late in New Zealand, way past your bed-time half-wit, which could explain the tanty’s, so we’ll switch the lights out for you shall we?
You speak of lights. Isn’t that a bit extravagant?
No objection, your Honour.
Antony, Dermott says sorry.
But he was between a rock and a hard thingy.
Hi again “letshavelunch”,
My my we’re having a field day aren’t we; but please stand corrected, the only “thingy” that appears to between “a rock and a hard place” is you and your precious little cyber-stalking play ground, whats it called now?…..oh thats right; http://www.accforum.org 😉
You prefer squirrel or squid?
On crackers or homespun virgin?
Virgin, no doubt.
Dermott, Antony is really pissed off you potted him to the University of New England.
Family conference?
Your mum around?
C.mon, moderate, noddy.
I am the real Arrin Wislang. My name is Pepsie and I like cuddles.
Too imoderatable?
Not really, but who believes anything that anonymous commentors might want to say. Strange that you are only now contacting us “letshavelunch”. We’ll be sure to pass on your bogus admission to Mr Nottingham, we suspect that your a little to late in posting the comment however, but as one of our contributors has already written, keep having fun while you can. We’ll also let Tony Armstrong know that you’ve passed by ;-).
Has anyone else noticed that the url link above ^ is no longer available? We think that NSW’s ICAC may be interested in this story, as if lol?
What we have however noticed is yet another attempt by Mark Davis aka “Netcoach” to have lauda finem taken down:
http://accforum.org/forums/index.php?/topic/14461-cyberbully-and-cohorts/page__view__findpost__p__151069 (page grab available)
This is Claire Hollis. ………..Redacted………….
Claire Hollis
Hi Claire,
It seems we share a similar name, my name is Clare also, slightly different spelling though. I am one of the Lauda Finem volunteer team on shift this evening, but you certainly are safe in my hands lovely… However as an avid reader of lauda finem you are clearly aware that we are committed to transparency
This reply is simply to let you know that we have recieved your very special comment and it has been forwarded on to our researchers and editor for their combined comment. We will post any full comment along with the research outcomes (and citations) of your highly suspicious proxy “Nelson IP address” soon (we say suspicious as we know you reside in New Zealands North Island) and any response we may have received.
As you well know Claire you have advertised on http://www.accforum.org the fact that you live in New Zealands North Island. At some point during the coming week our editor Mr Tony Armstrong will definitely be in touch.
Take Care babe, and make sure that you look after those children of yours.
Kind Regards
Clare Abernathy
The Team @ Lauda Finem
PS; As a very personal aside I would suggest that you seek some professional assistance as you are obviously out of your depth