In our last post on this subject we provided readers with the url’s to tweets that Blomfield demanded twitter remove. We has since thought it wise to grab a record of those tweets in image form, the result is quite surprising.
It appears to us that Blomfield is trying to protect those who have assisted him with his subterfuge, in all probability he doesn’t want Cameron Slater seeing them either, especially now that LF have forced him to confront the bullshit defamation tort he had foolishly used to attack Kiwi Blogger Cameron Slater.
A number of tweets do stand out however, first and perhaps foremost a tweet that evidences that Blomfield was not only able to contact us here at LF, but that he did in fact contact us as far back as december 2013 following the very firts article post by us, we subsequently published his threatening email.
Now Blomfield has undoubtedly falsely claimed in his latest High Court games that he could not reach us and thus needed the court to intervene, a bold faced lie, which he undoubtedly doesn’t want the Judge to find out about.
So for the public record, and so that the truth is available to the New Zealand High Court, who have acted unlawfully and in want of jurisdiction, we provide our readers with what Matthew Blomfield obviously doesn’t want his fellow Kiwi’s or the half-baked judge to see.
Be warned the list is long and is some cases quite perplexing, especially Blomfield’s obvious desire to gag our twitter exchanges with the sleep inducing kiwi blogger Pete George, Blomfield associate, NZ Herald Journo Matt Nippert, a man particularly close to Rawshark and Nicky Hager and a posse of corrupt ex cops, turned seriously incompetent private detectives, the same men who assisted Blomfield in the theft of a rather large cheque a while back, Daniel Toresen and his father bent ex cop Dan Thompson.
Naturally we will be providing our own analysis of these tweets, the wider story behind each of them and Blomfield’s possible agenda at a later date……..enjoy: