ACC: Mike Flahive’s “at the lower end” Privacy Act offending results in compensation payout offer

mike flahive

Yet another ex-cop turned civil servant Mike Flahive

Despite New Zealand privacy commissioner Mike Flahive’s comments to the victims of the Accident Compensation Corporations largest and most outrageous privacy breach (Bent Cop? National party crony? Mike Flahive, just who’s privacy is he being instructed to protect?) it appears that following the release of the Bronwyn Pullar tape ACC (and the Government) have concluded that they have been guzumped and need to start splashing a little cash about.

So does this so called compensation offer come with a “zip it” clause? Sure it does, why else would they be making the offer quietly, and then only to a handful of the nearly 7000 clients affected by the ACC Bronwyn Pullar fuck up.

First they tried the standard (SOP), demonise and make a criminal of the whistle-blower (Bronwyn Pullar), strategy and when that back fired spectacularly (Pullar having taped the meeting thus proving that Murch and Verberne had lied), they belatedly (yet again) conspire to buy the silence of those that perhaps have the ability to start making life very difficult for the party ultimately responsible; the government and, perhaps belatedly, its so called independent Privacy Commissioner, Mr “Mickey Mouse” Flahive.

That Commissioner, who by all accounts has also recently attempted to solicit another complaint against Bronwyn Pullar, is supposedly still working on his much awaited report……given his behaviour to date and the public disclosure of the tape we believe Mike’s probably been busy rewriting his first effort. We still, however, look forward to seeing the final result of his investigation or invention………and of course the opportunity to pull it apart.

ACC had previously apologised for failing to act on the privacy breach (which included sending Ms Pullar details of rape and sexual abuse victims), but were also adamant that no compensation would be paid to the victims of the gross incompetence .

This fiasco over many months has claimed a succession of high rollers, including former ACC Minister Nick Smith (a close friend of Ms Pullar’s, after it was revealed he personally intervened in Ms Pullar’s case), Chairman John judge, board members John McCliskie and Rob Campbell and then Chief executive Ralph Stewart, who finally quit last week and now yet another, the latest, board member Murray Hilder who has departed firing a broadside at crusher Collins and her politicization of the ACC scandal.

We can not wait to see what Flahive comes up with given his preempting of the commissioners final report, prior to Pullar having released the tape on 60 Minutes:

ACC breach victims could get thousands in compo (TVNZ One News)

ACC: 60 Minutes, the Bronwyn Pullar Case

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  • Philip Bonner says:

    jesus h christie, petes a real homosexual hater [which normally means he’s in denial], and whats his gig on the church. I look forward to your expose on this gentlemen and his ex…..hope its very soon.

  • Gidday Mate,

    Welcome back, what a compliment, thanks for dropping by again. Do we detect a little hypocrisy?; given that you prefer to remain anonymous whilst making inappropriate comments clearly aimed at the victims of church abuse (we’ve kept the other comments which we have posted below).

    We’re now aware of who it is they’re intended to offend, but you just keep on missing the mark mate; you really are no closer to figuring out who is behind this particular group of people collectively known as Lauda Finem than the various other vitriolic clowns who keep guessing.

    The insane delusion with which you continue to draw conclusions is staggering, By the way, your writing style is all over the court files we’ve been handed oh and a few tape recorded conversations with the ex.

    Keep it up mate, we’re certain that you’ll rack up a few more court losses before someone eventually lowers you into the proverbial grave.

    Here’s a thought, those losses might just be at the hands of the individuals you desperately want to believe are behind Lauda Finem and, with any luck, they might eventually involve a little prison time for you.

    Here’s another thought mate, perhaps you should consider signing up to an equally misguided and delusional group of sad suck-holes, those who are drawn to, a group of New Zealander’s, not welcome in Australia, who have achieved very little in their lives, but manage to employ smoke and mirrors so as to appear that they have. Its a similar strategy to that used in fraud…..Whats that?… You already have.

    Keep taking the pills mate. Oh and whilst on the subject of fraud, keep some of those pill’s in reserve for the ex, she’ll need them when we publish our story on one particular real estate business; later in the year.

    Just like our own precious ICAC, it can take us a while to get there, but we do eventually arrive…normally with a surprise pressie for the nominated party boy!

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/09/07 at 5:26 am
    > Hey cowards, I heard a rumour that everytime you wanted to re live the old days and provide oral pleasure to the clergy, that you eat a pie? That explains alot aye fat boys

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/06/21 at 6:06 am
    > Hey cowards. Still throwing ill informed rocks from behind cover I see. still deluded into thinking no one knows its just beagle boys peed off they were never accepted into the monastary.

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/06/11 at 6:19 am
    > Oh seriously now, you ladies do realise that talking in the third person about yourself is a sign of mental illness? Did you not get that drummed into you while you were biting the pillow back in the home?

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/05/21 at 6:33 am
    > Hey there is language here the nuns would not be happy the beagle boys are using. Shame on you ladies.

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/05/11 at 4:56 pm
    > Thought for the day ladies. Anonymity is the only way weak men can make themselves feel strong. You weaklings have a great weekend.

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/05/08 at 1:22 pm
    > Hows that daisy chain going today ladies. Medication all up to date and ok? Not making you to drowsy to continue your anonymous cowardly attacks?

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/05/08 at 6:18 am
    > Ahhhh, you silly, misguided anonymous (apparently) cowards. Are you so wrapped up in your self pleasuring you really expect anyone sane to believe your rubbish
    > ? You are so transparent you embarrass yourselves, maybe less pies fatso and more brainfood are in order.

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/05/03 at 1:44 pm
    > Oooooohhhhh, c’mon bitches, you can do better than that. Inan bad gramer and childis language is not what the nuns would have tught you.

    > Pete
    > Submitted on 2012/05/03 at 10:48 am
    > Wow, really starting to loose it now arnt you. Those nuns finally leaving a mark on your sanity Cowardly hiding behind a anon. Blog just does not provide any degree of credibilty you cowards.

  • Hey cowards. Still throwing ill informed rocks from behind cover I see. still deluded into thinking no one knows its just beagle boys peed off they were never accepted into the monastary.

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