Two sickening police con artists; Superintendent Russell Le Prou (right), Detective Inspector Stuart Allsopp-Smith. Two senior cops who immediately sought to spin the conviction of Blowers
Nearing the end of the second world war, with the imminent defeat of Nazi Germany, a group of well organised SS officers established an organisation whose sole purpose was to aid Nazi war criminals fleeing Europe, to escape prosecution for war crimes and set up new lives complete with lucrative incomes. That organisation became known a “ODESSA” the acronym for Organisation der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen.
ODESSA was certainly not alone in its efforts to support former Nazi party members, there were other groups, although less well-known. This type of reaction to defeat or being caught or exposed is not something that happened in isolation after the second world war, similar groups sprung out of the collapse of South Vietnam, Cambodia and others when pro-Russian Eastern bloc countries collapsed just prior to the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989.
LF have for some years now been investigating cases where the New Zealand police have clearly engaged in a similar form of “camaraderie”, collectively pulling together, first to hide often criminal offending and often when no amount of corruption assists in their colleagues retaining their credibility of positions within the police, then organising lucrative employment opportunities outside of the police organisation. This behaviour too is corrupt, it’s also rife and needs to be exposed.
The strange thing with this behaviour is that despite it being systemic, despite high ranking police officers supporting it, in fact playing their part in it, or turning a blind eye, no one, including the mainstream media has reacted appropriately and investigated this phenomenon of collective and on occasion criminal nepotism.
The most recent case documented by the New Zealand media was discovered last year and reported on only last weekend by Sunday Star Times (SST) journo. Before the SST report LF had also run a story on the case where we had called for a royal commission into New Zealand police corruption.
Shamed drug cop had $80k ACC job
Disgraced drug squad boss Michael Blowers quit the police and lined himself up a lucrative ACC job when he was facing a police employment investigation.
Blowers landed an $80,000-plus-a-year job as an investigator for ACC just weeks before his arrest for stealing methamphetamine from secure police exhibit lockers and then selling the drug. As a Northland police sergeant he’d been earning between $76,236 and $103,144.
That deception meant that when he was arrested after just eight days’ work, ACC had to put him on leave on full pay for almost four months, landing Blowers about $30,000.
Blowers, 51, who had been with the police for 21 years, was able to walk away with his full police pension, estimated to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The former detective sergeant, who last week was jailed for four years and nine months, appears to have been able to secure the ACC job without telling on his application form that he was facing an employment investigation or that he was being investigated for drug crimes.
Blowers was hired by ACC in March after quitting the police while he was under investigation for what police describe as an “employment” matter.
Police were at the time also conducting a criminal investigation into Blowers’ activities but say he resigned before he was first interviewed in relation to criminal charges. Blowers by that stage was already employed by ACC.
A senior police officer says, however, it was highly likely Blowers would have been aware of – either directly or indirectly – or expecting a criminal investigation at the time of his resignation as the employment inquiry related to why Blowers had moved drugs from a secure area in the police station to another less secure area.
The corporation says it conducted its standard employment check on Blowers prior to hiring him. This involved background checks, including reference and a Ministry of Justice criminal check.
“At no time during the recruitment process were we made aware of the criminal police investigation which was under way,” ACC’s senior media advisor Stephanie Melville said in a statement in response to a request under the Official Information Act by the Sunday Star-Times.
ACC only discovered its new employee was under arrest when Blowers failed to turn up for his second week of work.
Blowers was arrested on a Saturday and calls from an ACC manager on Monday revealed he had been arrested.
Blowers was subsequently granted bail and was available to work but ACC stood him down on full pay as it considered his ability to act as an investigator was compromised. The corporation informed Blowers in May that it was terminating his contract and his employment ended in July.
At court hearings it was revealed Blowers removed 58g of methamphetamine seized in a police raid from a secure area and placed the drugs in area to which he had easy access.
The drug when initially seized was tested as 81 per cent pure. When later tested, after Blowers had moved it, the seized methamphetamine weighed the same but the purity was just 29 per cent and had been mixed with table salt.
Blowers pleaded guilty after police produced evidence showing he was the only person to have access to the methamphetamine.
Blowers was selling the drug to a woman accomplice with whom he was, according to court documents, having an intimate relationship. The woman paid Blowers about $20,000, with the largest single payment being $7000.
Police considered seeking to recover the money from Blowers but this was not pursued because the amount Blowers had received was, police say, below the
threshold for recovery to be viable.”
ACC has hired a number of former police officers as investigators.
Its Whangarei office, where Blowers was hired, has also outsourced work to another former Northland police officer who was dismissed after he was investigated for assaulting a prisoner.
Employment lawyer Andrew Scott-Howman says ACC appears to have been caught in an unenviable position, with the former policeman slipping through a gap in employment law.
Most employers in both the government and private sector ask prospective employees whether they have convictions and whether they are under investigation for any offence. As Blowers, when employed by ACC, had not been told he was the subject of a criminal investigation and had not been charged, he had nothing to declare.
Scott-Howman says once a person is charged, but not convicted, the employer has an obligation “to support its employee. That would suggest what it should be doing is allowing him to keep working.
“But on the other hand [the employer] may have concern about the charges that practically it just does not want him to do his job, that there is a cloud around him in the public area. There is no good choice here,” says Scott-Howman.
“You pay him for doing nothing or you have him in the work place when he is charged with offences, and that is not a good thing either.”
The Public Service Association says there is no consistent policy across the public service regarding the way employees who are charged with offences are handled.
However, a spokesman said the PSA did not know of one case where a person facing a serious charge that precluded them continuing their work had not been put on paid leave.
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/63910095/Shamed-drug-cop-had-80k-ACC-job
This type of behaviour is not now going unnoticed by the New Zealand public. Whist LF was aware of the situation with Blowers and had planned this piece some time ago LF reader ‘arthur messing’ had also picked up on the pattern, immediately noticing a piece published by the Sunday Star Times (SST) last weekend, then posting the link to the story in LF’s comments.
We will come to the Blowers case shortly but it is also important to demonstrate that the Blowers case is not a one-off isolated example of this type of corruption and nepotism. Some of the other cases of this behaviour, committed both by police and the “friends” of police has been going on for decades and is very much akin to what a group of Nazi fugitives did after the second world war.
It’s not just the high paying jobs that these bent cops seem to attract thats the problem however, it’s the police collusion that’s, more often than not, behind it and that without exception goes unreported. That criminal collusion in the past has included assisting cops that have been accused of extremely serious offending to flee New Zealand, avoiding prosecution. It has also included police actively participating in the removal of any evidence of the criminal offending that remains in the public domain; removing any public record of the crimes having ever occurred, including newspaper archives.
It has included the participation of senior police legal officers, IPCA investigators and crown law officials in conspiracies to hide serious and often systemic police criminal offending.
Lauda Finem as an organistion has existed for many years, in fact almost two decades before www.laudafinem.org published it’s first story back in July 2010. As a collective we have over the years been quitely collecting and collating information, accumulating files on all sorts of corrupt institutional behaviour, as in it relates to New Zealand in particular. Evidence of the existence of an underground group of ex-cops, albeit a loose collective, high-ranking police officers, ex-cops, politicians, crown lawyers, judges and even journalists that have all collaborated in assisting police and others to conceal their own members criminal behaviour.
The cases are many, in fact far to many to do justice to in a single article. We will however list a few of the known instances, some at the time having attracted a little mainstream media attention, each of them in a very different class. First however lets return to the case of the now disgraced Sergeant Blowers of Whangarei.
Everything in the SST article points to the same systemic pattern of police skullduggery, attempting to conceal the extent of Blowers offending, one LF reader advising that Blowers should have faced further charges;
The Problem is that the journalist has failed to give his readers any real insight into just how it was that Blowers obtained his position within the Accident Compensation Corporations (ACC) fraud investigation unit, euphemistically referred to by the government owned Corporation as “integrity services”.
Despite this nepotism being rife within ACC and the Corporations senior staff having a very cozy relationship with police and ex police officers, only once does the journo refer to a prior incident relating to ACC’s employment of bent cops, as if to infer that whilst there was one other incident that’s likely as far as it went. The Journalist also fails to name the other police officer hired by ACC, had he done so then his reader, would have been able to see a more obvious pattern emerging;
“ACC has hired a number of former police officers as investigators.
Its Whangarei office, where Blowers was hired, has also outsourced work to another former Northland police officer who was dismissed after he was investigated for assaulting a prisoner”
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/63910095/Shamed-drug-cop-had-80k-ACC-job
LF cannot say with any certainty why it was that Fairfax journo David Lomas chose not to name the “other” Northland officer who had managed to score a lucrative job with the local Whangarei branch of ACC under dubious circumstances, but that he hasn’t is in itself extremely suspicious and in our opinion points to the existence of an unhealthy relationship between David Lomas and the police media liaison office.
As indeed do the rather vague claims and assurances given by ACC media advisor Stephanie Melville. Stephanie has quite the history of obfuscation and outright bullshit over the years on behalf of her three government employers, In fact LF have followed her career for some time, along with a number of other ex journo’s, turned government pimp’s and spin-doctors. Here at LF we realise the importance of knowing all about the person delivering the political rhetoric often used to confuse the public:
Interestingly Stephanie Melville neglected to mention that applicants for investigators jobs at the Accident Comensation Corporation are also required to undergo full security clearance checks which are not conducted by simply contacting the police’s employment or human resource department, Rather it is an in-depth procedure that would certainly have thrown up a red flag on any application Blowers had made had he been employed through the “normal” channels with the expected level of due diligence normally required:
But of course having said that Stephanie has worn many faces as a government spin doctor over the past five years, this means that she is no “Greenhorn” when it comes to corruption and cover-ups, perhaps her own personal distaste for this sort of insideous crap caused her very short tenure with the two government Departments before she joined ACC. Nevertheless her job at both the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Social Development, in particular the branch more commonly known as CYF’s, was where Stephanie, whether she agreed with it or not, would have cut her teeth on putting a particular spin on the truth, a spin designed to conceal all sorts of official skullduggery and injustice.
The fact is that the all important “other” ex-cop that ACC’s Whangarei office hired was likely none other than senior constable Paul Lamb who in 2009 had not only been accused of assaulting a prisoner in his custody but perhaps more importantly was also then found to have attempted to corruptly hide his own criminal offending, in part by charging the victim with assault.
Of course this will come as no surprise to our regular readers, it’s a strategy often employed by bent cops as is seen in the case of senior sergeant Ron Greatorex of Christchurch who also charged his innocent victim, Russell Byfield, with crimes that mirrored his own offending to avoid detection and prosecution:
Cop cleared of assault appeals ‘unfair dismissal’
Thu, 26 Aug 2010
A Whangarei police officer sacked after being acquitted of assaulting a man in the back of a patrol car has gone to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) claiming unfair dismissal.
Paul Lamb, who held the rank of Senior Constable, was fired about three weeks ago, The Northern Advocate reported.
Late last year, Mr Lamb was acquitted in Whangarei District Court of assaulting James Tamihana, who had been arrested for stealing a handbag.
Northland police district headquarters declined to say why Mr Lamb, who had not worked for the 17 months prior to his dismissal, was released.
Mr Lamb’s lawyer, David Grindle, said the matter had been referred to the ERA but a hearing would not take place before November.
Source: http://www.odt.co.nz/122908/cop-cleared-assault-appeals-unfair-dismissal
Whilst Lamb was acquitted of the assault charges in November 20o9 (by all accounts the Whangarei jury selected having been inordinately pro police) a police internal investigation later found against him. Lamb was dismissed from the police force in July 2010.
Lamb, a bent cop who had 15 serious complaints made against him during his 16 year police career, all of them discretely dealt with away from the public eye, then attempted in August 2010 to pursue the police over another of those now infamous police “employment” matters. During the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) hearing evidence was brought showing the Lamb’s fellow officers had long-held serious concerns around his proclivity for criminal offending, in particular violence toward his fellow citizens:
“At the last day of hearing yesterday, head of the Strategic Traffic Unit Sergeant Graham Pugh said he had reservations about Lamb joining his unit because he had “a bit of a reputation”. Mr Pugh discussed his reservations with Lamb and his own expectations around the use of force”
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503450&objectid=11012181
The ERA judgement found against Paul Lamb in February 2011;
Dismissal of cop was fair
Sunday Feb 20, 2011
A policeman sacked after he was acquitted on a assault charge has failed to win his job back.
Paul Lamb was unable to convince the Employment Relations Authority he had been unjustifiably dismissed after he was acquitted on a charge of assaulting a prisoner in the back of a patrol car in February 2009.
A police disciplinary hearing later decided Lamb should be dismissed for serious misconduct and he was sacked last July.
The Employment Relations Authority this week ruled Lamb’s employer acted fairly and reasonably in dismissing him.
Lamb’s lawyer, David Grindle, refused to comment on the ERA outcome and whether his client would appeal in the Employment Court.
The Whangarei District Court cleared Lamb in November 2009 of assaulting James Tamihana, who stole a bag from a shopper, in the back of a patrol car in February of that year.
But an internal disciplinary process found that his employer could have no trust and confidence in him to behave appropriately in any position.
Lamb neither mentioned the assault on Tamihana in his jobsheet nor told his supervisor about it, although he did state the incident in his Tactical Options Report two days later.
At the police station, Lamb used Tamihana’s jumper to wipe off blood and mucus that Tamihana spat on the walls and a glass window – an action deemed as inappropriate behaviour from a senior police officer.
Authority member Eleanor Robinson had to consider three questions: did police carry out a fair and reasonably investigation; was the decision to dismiss him fair and reasonable; and whether dismissal was within the range of reasonable penalties available?
After completing his investigation, police general manager human resources Wayne Annan found Lamb had breached the Code of Conduct.
A disciplinary hearing was convened and, at the end of the process, Assistant Police Commissioner Grant Nicholls dismissed Lamb on July 16, 2010.
Robinson determined that police carried out a fair and reasonable investigation and followed a robust process.
When asked why he did not report the incident in the patrol car, Lamb replied: “It was one punch, you know, and in the big picture it wasn’t that serious to hunt someone down to discuss it.”
On wiping off the blood and mucus, Lamb said he was advised to do so by another officer who, investigations revealed, had been in the job for less than a year.
Nicholls said he found it disturbing that Lamb tried to minimise the significance of his use of force on Tamihana.
The timing of his assault was a significant factor because it occurred within weeks of Lamb’s return to frontline duties, he said.
Lamb had 15 complaints against him in his 16 years in the force.
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10707548
Lamb was later also ordered to pay police costs of $2000.00 for his failed bid to be reinstated as a police officer;
Whats interesting though is that Lamb had also applied for and successfully obtained a private investigators license at some point prior to November 2010;
The license application probably being considered even before the police had finished their internal investigation and certainly before the ERA matter had even been adjudicated.
Lamb is now self-employed, still in the private investigation industry. His company, LF has been lead to believe still does work for the Accident Compensation Corporation
Of significance in Lamb’s criminal trial was a statement that lamb had made in his defence;
“Since he was finishing work, he said it was a rushed job sheet but he did include all relevant details in the Tactical Options Report submitted 40 hours later.
Also, he wanted to talk to area commander Whangarei/Kaipara Inspector Paul Dimery, who Lamb claimed was his other supervisor, but he wasn’t available”Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503450&objectid=11012024
Lambs reference to Paul Dimery is important, in fact it’s telling. Why on earth would a district commander with the rank of Superintendent be responsible for supervising Lamb, a mere senior constable?

Paul Dimery, front footing the media with a good yarn about police spending cut backs – pull the other one, Paul Dimery was told to jump, pension intact, before he was pushed having his throat cut beforehand.
Interestingly, District Commander Paul Dimery and the police department suddenly departed company on Friday 6th July 2012, the excuse given at the time was a “differing philosophy” around the financial management of the Whangarei district, Dimery publicly claiming that policing was being treated as a business;
Top cop quits over force being run like a business
“A Northland police area commander has retired abruptly, saying he is frustrated with law enforcement being run like a business.
After 12 years as Whangarei and Kaipara area commander Inspector Paul Dimery retired on Friday, citing a differing philosophy between himself and police headquarters.”
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/7260849/Top-cop-quits-over-force-being-run-like-a-business
With absolutely no prior warning Paul Dimery flew out the door of his Whangarei police headquarters on Friday 6th July 2012, the media hype was exceptional and extraordinarily focused on one issue alone, police spending, or rather the lack of it, which was again suspicious.
Now come on! Who the fuck gives up that sort of salary and the chance to incrementally increase their pension benefits because of a few budget cuts that will only effect others? Or was Paul Dimery really that fucking selfless? The media was certainly gullible enough to buy it though, pushing that angle ad nauseam, but frankly team LF didn’t buy it for a minute.
At the time LF suspected that there was much more behind Dimery’s sudden departure, after 12 years as Whangarei’s District Commander, and at almost three decades as a cop, than either the police or Dimery were obviously willing to let on. LF had been advised by a credible source that Dimery had told then Commissioner Marshall to “Fuck off back to the Islands” a reference to Marshalls former position as the Commissioner of police for a small Pacific nation, the Solomon Islands
In fact just to mark the occasion of Dimery’s sudden and frankly unexplained departure we published a little piece, “Why did NZ police commander Paul Dimery really quit?” , taking the time to also draw attention to the fact that Whangarei District Commander Paul Dimery’s brother Steven Dimery, a police detective sergeant during the really bad days of police corruption in Gisborne, New Zealand, had also mysteriously departed his police career way back in the 1980’s, Steve Dimery now operating as a geriatric, but still seriously corrupt, Private Investigator and insurance “loss adjuster” in Gisborne New Zealand.
So what else other than Dimery’s sudden departure was happening on or around July 2010 in Whangarei? That’s where we now return to the case of Detective Sergeant Blowers.
“Blowers, a former detective sergeant, was the officer in charge of the Northland Organised Crime Unit which carried out raids against drug manufacturers and suppliers. He’s accused of taking drugs from a police exhibits locker and giving them to a woman.
Blowers is charged with supplying the Class A drug methamphetamine and selling cannabis between June 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012, while employed in a senior position by police in Whangarei.
Blowers has denied the charges.”
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10911635
That’s right, the head of Paul Dimery’s Organised Crime Unit, a man with twenty years experience chasing hardened crim’s and organised criminal groups Detective Sergeant Blowers also obviously had plenty of time to busy himself with his own hobbies, selling drugs, tampering with evidence and conspiring to hide his criminal involvement.
Whats more in August 2013 the police, the defence, the Crown prosecutor and the mainstream media all knew that Blowers was working for ACC, in fact they conspired to conceal that fact tacitly agreeing to suppression orders that Blowers had applied for, the media complicit because they failed to challenge those orders.
They certainly had opportunity to challenge the orders, the judge being of no mind to continue Blowers name suppression, she would therefore have very likely rejected the other suppression applications had she been of the mind that doing so was in the public interest;
“Moreover, that interest cannot be dismissed as merely prurient; the public has a legitimate right to know about matters potentially impinging on the integrity and proper functioning of our law enforcement agencies and their officers.”
Suppression still covers Blowers’ current employer and his address.
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10911635
In short, it was the District Commander Inspector Paul Dimery who had been responsible for the smoke screen, he was the senior officer responsible for the Whangarei district and must have given the order to investigate the innocent whistle-blower, Andrew Glendinning, who had in fact done nothing other than to attempt to report Senior Sergeant Blowers criminal behaviour:
Andrew Glendinning became suspicious of Blowers’ behaviour and tailed him on visits to the home of a woman before handing a dossier – which included covert photographs – to senior management in Northland.
But the actions of Mr Glendinning, not Blowers, were investigated first.
He was removed from the organised crime squad and placed under strict supervision while being subjected to an internal code-of-conduct inquiry.
This centred on his use of the National Intelligence Application computer system, which is meant to be used only on official police business.
After several weeks, he was cleared of any breaches and attention switched to Blowers, who became the subject of an internal inquiry which was later escalated to a criminal investigation.
Mr Glendinning was listed as a trial witness and did not return phone calls.
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11368334
LF notes that the mainstream media have gone to great lengths to ensure that the dates around Glendinning’s reports to “Senior management” (aka Paul Dimery), and police then strangely deciding to investigate constable Glendinning, rather than Blowers, have not been published.
In fact given that the so-called “inquiry” that the New Zealand Herald claim to have published in September 2013 is no longer available to the public it smells very odd. LF have conducted extensive online searches but failed to locate that particular story, despite Herald journo Jared Savage crowing about it in the latest piece (above) ;
“A Herald inquiry revealed in September last year that the detective who blew the whistle on Blowers, who was his supervisor, was himself investigated before his concerns were taken seriously” – Jared Savage NZ Herald.
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11368334
So why is it that the media have concealed so much? Why has Dimery’s likely involvement in this attempted police cover-up also been concealed? Why was it that Dimery was then allowed to walk straight out the door of his corrupt little cop-shop, with his police pension intact, and then run as the “Coastal Central” local body councillor? The latest $60k per annum position of trust that Dimery now holds, courtesy of some of the same idiot citizenry that acquitted senior constable Paul Lamb of assault!

Don’t forget the allowances and other gravy-train perks. Source: http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2012/0270/latest/whole.html#DLM4711826
In fact this behaviour is very old, dating back to the late eighties when seven corrupt cops managed to beat a kidnapping charge, only to later wind up on the Gisborne Regional Council, strangely enough they too were all close associates of Paul Dimery’s brother Sergeant Steve Dimery.

From Left: corrupt ex-cops turned Gisborne local body councillors Alan Davidson, Hemi Hikawai and Paul Dimery’s brother, Steve Dimery private investigator/insurance loss adjuster
Detective sergeant Steve Dimery’s former underlings Detective Hemi Hickawai and Sergeant Alan Davidson had been variously accused of serious criminal offending, ranging from the systemic theft of petrol to Kidnapping and assault, which the police then concealed, both some time later taking to a long career in local body politics, another of Dimery’s police subordinates, also charged with kidnap and torture in 1987, then in 2009 again accused, this time, of planting evidence in a rape trial, accusations that were eventually proven on appeal with detective Malcolm Thomas, like Paul Dimery, suddenly and ever so quetly departing the police force with his pension completely intact and no charges laid.
This very same cabal of corrupt Gisborne CIB officers in 1989 alerting a junior officer to a rape complaint police had received, the likely investigation and criminal charges, then facilitated the rapists escape to South Africa, a country which at the time had no extradition treaty with New Zealand.
That particular cop, the alleged rapist, Detective James Kenneth Cunningham, was eventually arrested whilst visiting the United Kingdom, only to again jump bail and flee. Eventually located and extradited some 4 years after the alleged rape had occurred, when things had cooled off and memories deteriorated, he was tried and acquitted by a local Gisborne jury, a trial that was also kept under wraps by Police National Headquarters and the media.
Interestingly this is one of those cases where senior police went to extraordinary lengths to dissuade any media attention, then destroy any newspaper reports of the events that existed, including those kept by New Zealand’s library reading rooms.
That particular cops identity and whereabouts remained a closely guarded secret, protected by police for decades, until LF obtained help in tracking him down, now a psychologist he too, in a very strange coincidence, derives the majority of his business and income from New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).
The Cunningham trial was not the only corruption scandal that police have historically gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal from the public. More recently there was the case of Jonathan Moss, a corrupt senior officer with a huge libido who managed, immediately following his resignation from police, thus avoiding the required investigation, to slip undetected into a cushy job with the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA), with the assistance of crown lawyers Kristy McDonald QC and Sarn Herdson, whilst at crown solicitors Meridith Connell (now an Auckland Coroner), both of whom Moss knew well from their work together at the Indipendent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA).
When discovered, this corrupt behaviour was again concealed with a report produced by Wellington lawyer John Edwards who was then subsequently rewarded for his loyalty, oh and the cover-up he’d been responsible for, by being slipped into a rather cushy and lucrative little role as New Zealand’s Privacy Commissioner (Edwards was also earlier extremely close to the Department of the Prime Minister).

Left: Kristy McDonald QC (worked with Moss during police professional standards tenure at IPCA, subsequently corruptly arranged the REAA job), Center: corrupt cop Jonathan Moss, Right: Brian Edwards, wellington lawyer (assisted McDonald in concealing her involvement in arranging Moss’s REAA position, in the process hanging then Chief Executive/Registrar, Janet Mazenier out to dry – Edwards subsequently rewarded in 2013 with his appointment as Privacy Commissioner
Having briefly mentioned the IPCA there’s also the case of Pieter Roozendaal, who having resigned his position as a senior investigating officer in the Manukau area command corruption scandal then suddenly landed the job of Head of investigations with the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) the very body charged with investigating complaints against the police.

Pieter “have you had your beating yet” Roozendaal – inextricably linked to police racism scandal – now heads up the IPCA’s investigations department.
Top officer quits police inquiry
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
A senior policeman appointed to help inquire into a “sick” police culture has quit the role after revelations he was once the subject of a complaint about inappropriate behaviour.
Inspector Pieter Roozendaal had been seconded from his complaints investigation role in the North Shore/Waitakere/Rodney District to help the South Auckland inquiry, sparked by the recent trial of Senior Sergeant Anthony Solomona.
Source: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/north-shore-city/news/article.cfm?l_id=261&objectid=10115507
Then there’s Detective Dean Winter who left the police very quietly in 2006 and the surfaced in a cushy job as head of security with Fairfax’s online auction site TradeMe only to again be quietly shoved out the door when he was caught colluding with detective sergeant Aaron Pascoe, the cop responsible for the seriously dodgy October 2007 “Operation 8” scandal (documentary below for interested readers), to pass on information the police were certainly not entitled to.
Trade Me users’ info passed on to inmate
One woman who has bought My Little Pony books said she was horrified, the newspaper reported.
“It certainly makes me think twice about Trade Me.
“I can understand the police going for a search warrant, but I think they have given them far too much. I’m quite shocked by it all, particularly the channels it came through.” Trade Me security manager Dean Winter said the company had to hand over the information.
“We were served with a search warrant, and we complied with the search warrant.
“We didn’t have a choice whether we thought the information was relevant or not.” Detective Sergeant Aaron Pascoe, of the Special Investigation Group, declined to comment on what it had asked Trade Me for, why it needed the information and why so many users’ details were requested.
“We are required to disclose any information that is potentially relevant to a defence lawyer,” Mr Pascoe said.
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/southland-times/news/562662/Trade-Me-users-info-passed-on-to-inmate
Winter then immediately landing on his feet as head investigating officer with none other than the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA), along with another suspect ex-cop, Keith Manch who had been parachuted in by Minister Nathan Guy from his own Ministry of Internal Affairs where Manch had been responsible for ordering the concealment and later destruction of documents, the subject of a official information request, that the Minister, Manch and the ministry wanted kept from public scrutiny.
Manch whilst at the REAA then assisting with Kristy McDonald’s cover-up of the Jonathan Moss scandal, no doubt again destroying any records the REAA held that would evidence McDonald’s involvement. Job well done, Manch then gets rewarded with another high paying position, heading up New Zealand Maritime Services, you guessed it where he set to work dealing with the fall out from the sinking of the Rena and the Astrolabe disaster.
All of these ex-cops have been looked after by a network of sympathisers, high ranking police, corrupt crown lawyers, politicians and fellow ex-cops. Whilst it’s a very loose cabal it remains a cabal, a criminal organisation dedicated to looking after its own and that is how the corrupt cops slip out of the police force, often into various other government positions of power and authority.
On one occasion LF decided to test the effectiveness of this group, placing information into their circle using a simple telephone call to an ex-cop, it took all of 15 minutes for the message to reach our intended target, another bent ex-cop.

Detective Sergeant Aaron Lee Pascoe, on the streets of Auckland and in the dock, Pascoe conspired with corrupt ex-cop Dean Winter to provide confidential TradeMe customer information that the New Zealand police had absolutely no entitlement to.
It’s a problem which has become systemic part of the civil service in New Zealand and largely driven by a narcissistic need to obtain more power and there’s very little difference between what these cunts have done and what the ODESSA got up to following the second world war.
The list of ex-cops who are now inhabiting New Zealand’s civil service is long, as is the long list of criminal offending that put them all there! The fact is that many should have been sharing a prison cell, not a government office suite.
Operation 8 – the New Zealand police raid on the Tuhoe people
“On October 15th 2007, activists around New Zealand woke to guns in their faces. Black-clad police smashed down doors, dragging families out onto roads and detaining some without food or water. In the village of Ruatoki, helicopters hovered while locals were stopped at roadblocks. Operation 8 involved 18 months of invasive surveillance of Maori sovereignty and peace activists accused of attending terrorist training camps in the Urewera ranges — homeland of the Tuhoe people. Operation 8 asks why and how the raids took place. How did the War on Terror become a global witch-hunt of political dissenters reaching even to the South Pacific?”
The photos on your blog of the 3 Gisborne Police name them incorrectly….from left is Rana Waitai the former district commander and then Alan Davidson….don’t know who the 3rd person is…interesting reading
hi this happenned to me to i was nocked out by a group of cops and had bad head injures because i ran a way from a fight they charged me to cover there own asses the ipca wont investergate due to the chargesbeing laid i won the court case as the cops were unable to tell a straight story this took 18months then the ipca took 2years to investergate to come back and say due to confilcting evendice between the police side and mine no more will be done i wounder if the cop whos dad is a mp had helped sweep this away
Thank you for this website. My daughter is in a custody battle with Paul Dimery. The child he is attempting to gain control over is not his child. My daughters relationship with him ended 2 years before she conceived. She kept things as friendly as possible with him because she was so frightened of what he could do to her. He has made terrible allegations against her and her parents and the father, which they now have to defend. You have given me hope that there are people who see these guys for what they are. Thank you again.
Jill I have heard about this from someone that obviously knows you. I trust that there is nothing that can jeopardise her position? I know from personal experience that in these cases it seems everything from the past becomes relevant.
Thank you for your comment John. Sorry for the tardy reply, we have been quite discouraged. We were prepared for the past to be dragged up, but perhaps not the outrageous lies. And despite all evidence we have presented (including paternity test confirming real father, birth certificate, affidavits supporting our defence, evidence of real fathers time with his daughter, clearance by CYFS etc..) this case is still going to court. I cannot understand how this can be!!
Forgive me, I have made an error and placed my comment in a line below my personal details…I absolutely applaud the indepth investigations on your webb page.
Here’s another investigation for you. Simon Eckersley sergeant, Hamilton fraud squad. An article in either Gisborne paper or Napier approx early 2000 alleged police disciplinary action for supplying drugs.
The outcome, I presume they couldn’t prove it as I believe he’s still in the police force…Looking forward to finding the time, to read your entire page.
With regards
Hi Elizabeth
Yes we saw your mistake and sorted it. If you would like to recieve regular updates just complete the subscription form, available at the bottom of all pages.
It’s alway’s great to hear from another engaged reader, someone who cares. Thanks for the info on sergeant Ekersley, we’ll certainly look into the allegations for you at some point so if you have any additional info that would be helpful just send it through to us at – laudafinem@bigpond.com
Kind Regards
The Team @ Lauda Finem