On the third of November, just 21 days ago, Matthew John Blomfield, fraudster extraordinaire, sent a letter off to Google demanding that they immediately remove every article team LF have ever written on him, his frauds and the malicious court action against Kiwi blogger Cameron Slater.
Blomfield in this quite extraordinary demand claims that the LF articles, all of which contain hard evidence of his, often criminal, offending are somehow defamatory. Whats more, Blomfield has had the audacity to also falsely claim that he had attempted to contact Lauda Finem without success.
The fact is we have always been contactable and have made our feelings on this subject known to Blomfield from the very outset, in 2012……that we are not interested in primitive threats from fraudsters and wannabe Perry Masons.

Is Blomfield’s barrister, Andrew Gilchrist, a party to Blomfield’s false claims of defamation and attempts to have Google remove without the courts knowledge or approval?
The list of url’s Blomfield demands Google remove is long. Just as expected the list also contains url’s that relate not to Blomfield himself, but to various other individuals, who we’ve recently alleged have been connected to his more recent scams and fraudulent behavior.
The horrible truth is that Blomfield has yet again lied like a flat-fish. He has deliberately mislead the Court, Google and their Kiwi legal representatives, Simpson Grierson, leaving all wide open to a damages suit should they act on Blomfield’s false and likely now unlawful demands.
We will revisit this a little later, but it also appears that Blomfield may have himself contravened the interim orders of Kiwi High Court Judge Justice Woodhouse, orders made without any jurisdiction;

Blomfield has as yet provided absolutely no authority or “defamation” judgement on which he can make the above demands of google – remember in any event the New Zealand courts have absolutely no authority over Lauda Finem – never have, never will.
Blomfield’s demand of the 3rd November is however not the first time this Kiwi idiot has attempted to pull this scam; attempting to take google for a ride in the process.
Back in October 2012, the 31st to be precise, Blomfield pulled exactly the same stunt, emailing Google’s lawyers in New Zealand, Simpson Grierson, again falsely claiming that a long list of Cameron Slater’s posts were defamatory; whats more, falsely claiming that a minor District Court interim order, by an idiot junior Kiwi Judge, aka Charles Blackie, somehow supported his right to demand that Slater’s wholly accurate reporting should immediately be removed;
That attempt of course failed, Simpson Grierson writing to Blomfield and requesting that he be a little more specific:
“Additionally, you have not explained what statements on this page you are suggesting are false and defamatory and the reasons why these statements are false and defamatory in the context of the page as a whole” – Simpson Grierson
The fact is Blomfield had no court order, he was lying in October 2012, and he is lying again now, four years on. The simple truth is that Blomfield could NOT win a defamation tort against Cameron Slater or Lauda Finem! Is Blomfield forgetting the taped conversations with Slater where he admits to each and every rort? LF has those recordings.
Blomfield of course tried, unsuccessfully, to convince Simpson Grierson otherwise in a hand delivered letter, also dated the 31st October 2012, wherein he again sets out the Whale Oil urls he wanted Google to remove. Blomfield’s bullshit letter (pdf) is available here;
The incompetent Justice Ashers interim order (pdf), which Blomfield then later desperately tried to palm off in 2014 to Google as evidence of defamation is available here:
The list of Whale Oil Posts that Blomfeild demanded be removed, falsely claiming defamation, is extraordinary, 37 posts in total, each one wholly accurate and true, as has now been evidenced by Blomfields failure to continue his spurious and malicious obfuscating ‘defamation” tort against Slater;
http://www.whaleoil.co.nz/2012/05/bright-sunlight-for-blomfields-tame-liquidator- garry-whimp-ctd-3/
Important Note: Team lauda Finem are currently digging through our archives looking for the original articles penned by Slater, as published on Whale Oil. Once we’ve located the material we will publish and hyperlink each to its original corresponding url
Likewise the list of LF posts Blomfield has now sent Google, also demanding they to be removed, is extensive, 57 in total; thats 57 articles that set out the frauds with published evidence of the crimes, evidence that Blomfield does not want Justice Woodhouse clapping his eyes on.
All of these posts also being the intellectual property of Lauda Finem and published on our .com website, prior to that website being unlawfully temporarily transferred to Kiwi Barrister Andrew Gilchrist by Woodhouse, in want of jurisdiction.

Matthew Blomfield, Fraudster and pathological liar!
We have now reproduced Blomfields list of urls, as published on the Lumen website (see image above), we have however changed the underlying redirect .com suffix to the new .org – thus enabling laudafinem fans, and followers of this farce, to click and refresh their minds as to just how corrupt this nasty little cunt Blomfield really is.
Some of these urls have nothing whatsoever to do with Blomfield, rather they are stories covering the antics of other fraudsters Blomfield has now “befreinded” – people such as struck-off real estate agents and other con-artists LF have exposed;
The Lauda Finem .com URLs Blomfield has attempted to have Google (NZ) remove, without the courts authority:
- http://www.laudafinem.com/tag/matthew-blomfield/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2016/10/03/hells-kitchen-attack-pizza-politics-to-go/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2016/09/25/the-hurley-burley-of-hells-kitchen-cinderella-and-other-fairy-tails/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2016/09/15/the-die-is-cast-perpetual-business-failure-matt-blomfield-goes-all-trekky/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2016/09/01/new-zealand-police-the-rachinger-conspiracy-bens-silent-friends/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2016/03/27/new-zealand-king-of-bollywood-bling-pinged-lf-nails-another-blomfield-associate/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2016/01/16/personal-assistant-required-winner-takes-all-attitude-clinical-insanity-viewed-favourably/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/11/24/another-new-zealand-reaa-balls-up-lauda-finem-gets-it-right-yet-again/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/10/12/will-new-zealands-reaa-claytons-judge-hits-the-road-as-the-shit-slowly-hits-the-fan/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/10/09/new-zealands-toxic-reaa-should-it-be-be-scrapped/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/10/07/new-zealands-corrupt-reaa-in-the-spotlight-yet-again/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/09/29/whale-oil-runs-with-another-lf-story-dumb-and-dumber-the-pet-detectives-have-been-at-it-again/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/08/25/fraudonaire-extraordinaire-did-slaters-mob-really-think-theyd-get-away-with-trying-to-pull-the-wool/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/08/17/new-zealand-ird-the-blomfield-frauds-the-liquidators-the-lawyers-the-police-and-the-media-collaborators/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/06/08/the-rachinger-conspiracy-is-it-really-dirty-politics-or-just-plain-dirty-press-gallery-journalists/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/05/06/the-rachinger-conspiracy-he-was-the-perfect-weapon-until-he-became-the-target/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/05/04/the-rachinger-identity-espionage-thriller-or-just-another-bad-outbreak-of-the-streisand-effect/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/01/21/standard-sucked-into-blomfield-versus-slater-dirt/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/12/06/matthew-john-blomfield-the-a-z-of-plan-fraud/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/11/14/matthew-john-blomfield-the-house-of-cards-that-matt-built/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/11/04/are-attempts-to-associate-blomfield-case-with-police-search-of-nicky-hagers-home-a-complete-furphy/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/09/29/blomdumps-act-iii-blomfields-statement-of-claim-more-holes-than-the-titanic/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/09/19/blomdumps-act-ii-the-modus-operandi-of-brazen-fraudsters/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/09/17/blomdumps-act-i-the-genesis-of-a-defamation-scam/
- http://www.laudafinem.org/2014/09/14/nz-high-court-states-the-obvious-whale-oil-blogger-cameron-slater-is-a-journalist-but-theres-a-sting-in-the-tail/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/09/04/whale-oil-blogger-cameron-slaters-bad-dream-climbs-into-bed-with-arch-nemesis-matthew-blomfield/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/08/26/the-blomfield-files-operation-haresay-the-day-jono-did-the-dirty/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/08/04/the-blomfield-files-the-criminal-thompson-toresen-clan-locate-cameron-slaters-witness-marc-iron-spring-the-criminal-harassment-continues-an-lf-investigation/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/08/03/the-blomfield-files-the-thompson-toresen-conspiracy-rapidly-unravels/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/07/28/the-blomfield-files-toresen-thompson-private-dicks-who-is-daniel-toresen/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/07/22/lawyer-respnsible-for-letting-matthew-blomfield-loose-on-the-public-now-holds-concerns-for-his-own-safety/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/07/18/the-ace-ventura-pet-detectives-club-featuring-serial-fraudsters-matthew-john-blomfield-martin-russell-honey/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/07/08/insolvent-indian-about-to-be-shiv-ved-by-matt-blomfield-and-lawyer-graham-launderer-hare-the-end-to-come-at-otematata/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/06/26/blomfield-v-cameron-slater-pot-kettle-black-labour-rag-the-standard-lynn-prentice-at-it-again/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/06/22/exclusive-its-official-slaters-a-journo-the-whale-oil-blog-is-media-the-sources-should-be-safe-according-to-top-qc/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/05/21/the-gospel-of-matthew-in-the-beginning-there-was-the-word-the-word-was-extortion/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/05/15/matthew-blomfield-puppet-master-or-wannabe-lawyer/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/05/12/remax-real-estate-agent-in-the-poo-over-shitty-message-in-a-broken-bottle/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/05/12/matthew-blomfield-the-friendly-liquidator-the-dodgy-lawyers-trust-account-just-where-did-the-cash-go/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/04/14/blowhard-fraudster-matt-blomfield-belted-blue-again-another-late-payment-notice-perhaps/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/03/06/reaa-kiwi-estate-agent-exit-mould-pin-up-boy-guilty-of-unsatisfactory-conduct/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/02/11/blowhard-blomfield-high-court-insolvency-specialist-judge-lang-to-hear-cameron-slater-appeal/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/01/30/whale-oil-aka-cameron-slater-a-very-tall-story-the-need-to-bag-a-trophy/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2014/01/15/tvnz-john-hudson-matthew-blomfield-and-the-ruawhai-property-scam-part-3/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/24/merry-christmas-mr-slater-your-enemies-have-stuffed-up-again/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/20/tvnz-john-hudson-matthew-blomfield-and-the-ruawai-property-scam-part-two/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/17/tvnz-john-hudson-matthew-blomfield-and-the-ruawai-property-scam-part-one/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/05/unstable-hellboy-matt-blomfield-takes-on-lf/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/05/spewed-straight-from-matthew-blomfields-own-persed-lips-tips-from-an-entrepreneur/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/04/blackies-ruling-against-slater-without-authority-unenforceable-and-void/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/03/the-slater-case-the-circus-is-in-town-the-politically-motivated-clowns-have-joined/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/02/judge-blackies-slater-blog-judgment-proves-new-zealand-courts-following-john-keys-lead/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/12/01/whaleoil-blog-judge-grants-discharged-bankrupt-license-for-fishing-expedition/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2013/07/25/dodgey-real-estate-guru-in-relationship-dustup/
- http://www.laudafinem.com/2015/05/09/the-rachinger-conspiracy-what-was-in-it-for-matthew-blomfield-and-crew-fraud/
Blomfield has repeatedly lied, to any idiot that would listen, and the fuckwit Kiwi Courts have repeatedly indulged his systemic criminal tactics….the million dollar question is why?
Is it because behind all this bullshit litigation there is a paedophile/child-porn ring wherein Blomfield has been able to exert some sort of control over those who have been a party to that offending; does Blomfield really have bent cops and Judges in his pocket?
There seems little in the way of an alternative explanation, certainly for the courts outrageous and quite extraordinary departure from the rule of law.
Remember, just as we here at Lauda Finem had predicted Blomfield DID NOT continue his defamation tort against Slater, he has NOT managed, nor will he ever be able to evidence that Slater’s posts were anything other than the complete truth.
Blomfields only game-plan has been to obtain the names of sources behind allegations he doesn’t want repeated and attempt to threaten and intimidate them with gang violence or worse. This is clearly again evidenced in the latest case of Karl Roe.
On a point of information… as of today Dec. 7th a google.co.nz search on ‘lauda finem’ returns a link to your Twitter as the top result – but returns NO results to laudafinem.org itself.
At the bottom of the search results it has “In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read more about the request at LumenDatabase.org.” – but there’s nothing at the Lumen link.
If you search on google.com instead of .co.nz the top result is laudafinem.com – and some laudafinem.org results are returned. And there’s no warning of legal issues.
They are bent.and corrupt.
great article, maybe you guys should send you evidence on bloomfield to the high court, registry in the blomfield proceeding. that roe affidavit for example….. fox amongst the chickens.
Wonder if Blomfield will ever present any evidence to show he is not a fraudster? Doubt it!! That letter to Simpson Grierson says it all
Nah coz Meth-eeww is to busy smoking on Bakers todger